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编辑: 刘晓琪   |  审核:



报告时间:2018年10月27日 (星期六)下午15:00
地       点:西南大学物理大楼小报告厅
报  告  人:香港科技大学 范智勇  教授

        范智勇博士于1998年和2001年在中国上海复旦大学获得材料科学学士和硕士学位。2006年获得加州大学欧文分校的材料科学博士学位。 2007年至2010年在加州大学伯克利分校担任电气工程和计算机科学系博士后研究员。 2010年5月,他加入香港科技大学,现任电子与计算机工程系教授。范博士获得多项奖项,包括加州大学伯克利分校BSAC杰出研究报告奖,香港科技大学青年研究奖及香港科技大学校长奖及创新奖等。他的研究兴趣集中在可用于电子及光电器件的纳米材料和结构。迄今他发表了150多篇参考论文,引用次数超过14,000,H指数为56,是2018科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)高引作者。范博士现为英国皇家化学学会会士和香港青年科学院的创院院士。目前,他担任Nanoscale Research Letters副主编。

        Materials made of nano/micro-structures have unique physical properties, such as fast carrier transport, high surface-to-volume ratio, mechanical flexibility, sub-wavelength optical waveguiding, etc. These intriguing properties can be harnessed for a variety of applications in electronics and photonics. In the past, we have fabricated an assortment of arrayed nanostructures consist of nanowires, nanopillars, nanocones, etc., using a variety of materials from inorganic semiconductors to organometal perovskite materials. These nanomaterials can be fabricated with chemical vapor deposition method and/or printable method with scalability. The optical properties of these nanostructures have been systematically investigated and the mechanism of photon management was revealed. Meanwhile, the materials have been fabricated into various electronic devices, including sensors, light emitting diode and solar cells. The study has shown that three-dimensionally (3-D) arrayed nanostructures can help to improve device energy conversion efficiency as well as the mechanical flexibility. However, proper structural optimization is not trivial. Meanwhile, using printable method and template guided growth method, semiconductor nanomaterials have been fabricated into 3-D arrays for high density device applications. Overall, the nanostructure integration methodology that we developed may enable many applications on integrated electronics and optoelectronics in the future.