【含弘讲坛】To Err Is Human but to Persist Is Diabolical: Toward a Theory of Interactional Policing

来源:外国语学院   |  文字:杨竹
编辑: 刘晓琪   |  审核:田丽

题  目:To Err Is Human but to Persist Is Diabolical: Toward a Theory of Interactional Policing
时  间:7月5日(星期五)10:00
主讲人:Tanya Stivers
地  点:外国语学院313
   Tanya Stivers, 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校应用语言学博士、社会学系教授,国际会话分析协会(ISCA)前会长,曾任美国社会学会常人方法论和会话分析分会联席主席和选举协调人,任Pragmatics、Language in Society、Research on Language & Social Interaction、Communication & Medicine、Discourse Studies、Discourse Processes、Sociological Methodology及Social Psychology Quarterly等知名期刊的编委,并担任Language、Journal of Pragmatics、American Journal of Sociology, Cognitive Science、Culture & Society、Human Communication Research、Journal of Health & Social Behavior等十多家期刊的审稿人;主要研究领域为语言与互动、会话分析、机构互动等,应邀在十多个国家做学术报告八十余场,连年被评为全球最具影响力语言研究顶尖学者之一。
    Social interaction is organized around norms and preferences that guide our construction of actions and our interpretation of those of others, creating a reflexive moral order. Sociological theory suggests two possibilities for the type of moral order that underlies the policing of interactional norm and preference violations: a morality that focuses on the nature of violations themselves and a morality that focuses on the positioning of actors as they maintain their conduct comprehensible, even when they depart from norms and preferences. We find that actors are more likely to reproach interactional violations for which an account is not provided by the transgressor, and that actors weakly reproach or let pass first offenses while more strongly policing violators who persist in bad behavior. Based on these findings, we outline a theory of interactional policing that rests not on the nature of the violation but rather on actors’ moral positioning.